Friday, July 27, 2012

Goodbye, my Friends:(

I am so sorry...I am leaving this blog.:(  I feel like I always try to post, but I have nothing to post about:(  I am also the only person posting:(  So, goodbye.:(  Thanks for everything!

My main blogs: and


Friday, July 20, 2012

Mackenzie and Lila

Lila is such an amazing person.  The sweetest girl.  She is so much fun to talk to!  I really love talking to her on the phone, texting her, and emailing her! :)  She means so much to me.

Mackenzie is so nice.  She loves lots of things I love such as art and photography!  I talk to her a lot, and I really love her.  In one word: awesome!!! <3 xoxo

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Today I went swimming with my friend Morgan and she was really fun! :)  I had a great time! :)


Sunday, July 15, 2012

New Blog!

A couple blogging friends, my sis, and I started a new blog!  PLEASE check it out!


How do you like the new design?  I love it :]  Well, gtg, bye :P


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Friendship Twists

There is a really cool website called 'Friendship Twists'!  It is really worth checking out :)

A sample of their work:


Sunday, June 24, 2012


Friends are the best!!  Period.  I have so many that I LOVE! <33

Maddie, the other owners of this blog, Olivia, Emma, and so much more!  I also have great blogging friends!!  :)

Who are some of your friends?
